We Can Help You Pursue God’s Calling
If you are sensing a call to ministry, we would love to help you understand that calling better. As you begin to pursue your calling, please consider who the people are in your life that encourage you and hold you accountable. Invite them to share with you some ways that God has used you in the past. Speak with your pastor so that he can help you discern your gifts for ministry and ask about the ways that you can begin serving now. Lastly, you can click the link below to speak with the Ministerial Development Associate about where to begin your journey.

We Can Help You Discern Your Calling
Every year we provide a Pastoral Assessment Center (PAC) where applicants and their spouses are provided direction, resources, and insight about their callings to ministry. Our assessment teams provide applicants the special attention that helps them to evaluate their personal strengths and weaknesses for pastoral leadership and teaches them how to succeed in their future pastoral assignments. Since not every calling leads to pastoral ministry, we can also help people find the specific kinds of ministry for which God has wired them. This intensive week is held in Myerstown, PA in January and is required for credentialing within the Evangelical Congregational Church.

What Training Do I Need?
Much depends on your season of life, your previous education, and your particular calling. It would be wise to speak with the MDA about your situation before enrolling in a bible college or seminary. Your path to ministry may be drastically different than you expect.